Are you ready to write a novel?
Writing a novel can be intimidating. It doesn't matter if it's your first or your fifth, there comes a time in every author's process where they want to set down their keyboard and run away from their book. That's normal, but there is a way to conquer your fears and get your book written. There is a way to write your novel fearlessly and enjoy the process.
This online course will teach you step-by-step easy methods and hidden secrets of writing your novel. The lessons start with idea generation and carry you all the way through until The End.
Learn at your own pace from 7X New York Times Bestselling author Alessandra Torre.
Ready to get started?

Jessica B, Student
"I've been trying to write this novel for six years and was ready to give up. This course helped me understand WHAT was clogging up my novel and how to easily fix my issues. Within two months of starting this course, I finished my first draft (and promptly burst into tears). I could have never done it without this course and Alessandra's guidance and support."
This is a journey, and I'll be beside you the entire way.
Course lessons include:
Finding Your Story
We’ll discuss different idea sources, and how to build an entire list of potential plots. I’ll teach you how to rank your ideas using my idea checklist and how to narrow it down to the one you will write.
Developing Your Idea
Having an idea is great, but what do you do next? There are several types of writers, and you need to figure out which type you are, because that will determine how you will proceed with your idea. I’ll teach you several different ways to outline your novel with methods that will appeal to various creative types. I’ll teach you the breakdown of a novel’s plot progression and what should be occurring at different moments in your novel.
How to Actually Write
Knowing your plot is a step closer to The End but how in the heck do you actually write a novel? This all breaks down to scenes. If you can write a scene well… then you just have to write one scene, then another scene, then another. This section of the course will give you a toolbox of talents that you can use to make your scenes come alive. We’ll discuss characters – their development, actions, personalities, and relationships. I’ll teach you about flashbacks, time breaks, foreshadowing, descriptions, dialogue and pacing.
Your First Chapter
Start off your story with a bang. Writing your first chapter is one of the most exciting parts of the process, and you’ll be itching to start after building your foundation. I’ll discuss four types of first chapters and common myths and facts. Then, I’ll send you off to write your first chapter!
Chapters 2 through 20
I’m not sure how many chapters you’ll have, but I’ll be cheering you on the entire way through your first draft. With check-in lessons at major milestones, I’ll chime in when you’re struggling through that torturous middle, and teach you how to build up your climax so it blows your reader away.
The End
Ha, you’re not done with me yet! Once you finish your novel, I’ll do a special dance (I wish I was kidding). Then, I’ll show you how to find an editor, the rewrite process, and help you understand the difference between self and traditional publishing so that you can make an educated decision.
About Alessandra
Alessandra Torre is an award-winning New York Times bestselling author of over twenty novels. Her New York Times bestseller Hollywood Dirt was produced as a full-length movie in 2017. Two more of her books have been optioned for film, and her books have been translated in ten different languages, in over twenty-six countries.
In 2012 and 2013, Alessandra signed two six-figure publishing deals with industry giants Hachette and Harlequin, yet found her greatest success with self-publishing, hitting the New York Times list seven times, all with self-published novels. Alessandra is a popular public speaker, course instructor and industry expert.

Buy with Confidence

Amy C, Student
"Over the years I've taken a lot of courses and read a lot of books on how to write novels. This was the first one that actually helped me to understand the process and complete a novel. The videos are great and provide a lot of insight into the process of writing, creating conflict and developing interesting characters. Alessandra also keeps in touch and is on hand if you need help. She is a great teacher and because she has been there, done that it and become a success you know her advice will work. And for me it has. I finished my first book thanks to her lessons. I wholeheartedly recommend her courses."